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How to Manage my Subscription

Managing your subscription is easy through your AC-Kitchen Account. 

To create an account, click on the account icon at the top right of your screen

If you have not created an account, please create one (if you already have a subscription, please use the same email address that you used when your purchased your subscription).

Once you have set up your account and have placed an order for a subscription you can modify your subscription by clicking the Manage Subscriptions button.

Once you click into your subscription, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Pause your subscription
  • Change your address
  • Change your payment info
  • Change the products in your subscription (change plans)
  • Update Quantity (instructions below)
  • Manage your upcoming orders
  • See your transaction history
  • Cancel your subscription

Changing your Subscription Quantity:

To change your subscription quantity, select the Products in your subscription option.

Then, click the edit button. That will make the quantity visible and editable. Once you edit the quantity click Update Quantity.

If you have multiple subscriptions, you'll have to update each subscription separately.